1 Day Brief

Design Brief: Hipster Cafe


First of all, I have noticed that the Hipster culture is one of which that does not look well on eating meat. Therefore most of the time they choose the greener options as far as food goes and don’t like the thought of animals getting hurt. Furthermore, the traditional Hipster enjoys reusing the older products of the past. Instead of going with the new I-phone or the new leather sofa, they would fo with something older. They wouldn’t care about tears or stains, just the fact that they are ‘respecting’ previous generations. Mainly this stuff would be from late nineteen hundreds and not extremely old. As far as age group goes, the traditional Hipster has more of an ‘extended adoscent’ era, where they are more like teenagers up into their 30’s. With music taste, they tend to like the older music systems. Using Jukeboxes, Boomboxes, and Vinyls. I shall combine all these aspects in my final idea, creating a cafe that every hipster chould enjoy thoroughly.

How the cafe will be:

My cafe will have old, torn furniture. All second hand yet still comfortable to sit on. The furniture will be like this due to the traditional hipsters taste and preferences. They will be set out in a unique fashion compared to what you see in a normal cafe. Secondly, the cafe will be vegan, selling black tea and coffee, fruit and vegetables, and more. But most importantly there will be no meat in sight. The music in the cafe will be a little old and played from a jukebox. Some 80’s dance music and other types will be played. The fruit and vegetables and other things will be able to be collected at a small salad bar within the cafe.


As far as the logo would go I would like to make it retro and eye catching at the same time, something hipsters would like. Maybe bold lines and a burst of different colours. It could even be simple yet recognisable. The below logo is what I came up with after my attempts:


Overall, I think my cafe would work well for the hipsters of today, having a catchy name and bold logo. It also would have the perfect furniture and food for them. I also gathered enough research to back my ideas up.