

A typeface is the name given to the creative work. I.e Helvetica is a typeface.

A font is the typeface and weight used. I.e Helvetica bold  is a font.

Leading – How text is spaced vertically.

Kerning – The spaces between letters.

CaptureI used Adobe InDesign to create different types of text and formatting them differently. First of all I created a box and filled it with placeholder text. I pasted it again two times and changed how they looked. The first box is the default text. The second one shows text that I have reduced the leading which is the space vertically between words. And finally, the third box is text which I have reduced the Kerning, which is the space between letters. I made it so every letter is close up.













The picture to the right shows that I have justified the text in separate text boxes now.  The first one is the default text that I had made, the other two have been pasted and changed. The second one shows that I have justified it to the right hand side of the page. And the third one shows that I have justified it to the left hand side.









Symbol portrait

I was tasked with replicating a picture with only font symbols. This was done on the program InDesign and below shows the finished product and the image I was trying to draw.

Image result for russell howard


As you can see, the computer illustration I completed was only made out of fonts, symbols, and numbers. I used a total of 10 symbols, fonts, and numbers to put my image together. In this task I tried my hardest not to repeat any symbols as it would not be good enough and would be rather simple. So I challenged myself and did it with as many symbols as possible. I think the final product looked rather good, as it resembles the person rather well, even though some of the shapes don’t really look like him. There is only so much you can do with symbols when creating an image but it is still a good creative way to draw an image.

Font research

The font I have chosen is Castellar. This is because it is a very interesting font and I use it quite a lot. This font was found on a roman column dedicated to Augustus. It was then designed by somebody called John Peters in 1957. This font was named after a town in the Alps. It is mostly used in sophisticated work that would be displayed. This typeface was mostly designed for titles.

Image result for example of a castellar typeface