Julian Opie Portraits


Key Facts:

First of all, Julian Opie’s key route to success was through his painted metal sculptures. This happened during the years around 1980 and were loved by many. These are generally sculptures that are built with steel shapes. They then had painted imagery on them, that was not accurate but rather loosely painted. Some examples below:

Image result for painted metal sculptures julian opie

Image result for painted metal sculptures julian opie

Secondly, his most famous type of art is his “graphic portrait style” of which he would make ‘ultra modern’ portraits that contained thick black lines and not much detail. This portrait style consisted of reducing the features that distinguished people to the mininum. Because of this not many lines were used but they could definitely be seen as a pure piece of art. Some examples below:

Image result for Graphic portraits made by Julian Opie

Furthermore, Julian Opie was also known for creating Landscape paintings in his own sort of style. They would end up looking nothing like a landscape we know. It would be look more computer based, thick and straight lines, bold colours, but really be appealing to look at. Here is a video explaining more:

My Opinion:

I think Julian Opie’s work is admirable. This is because, although it lacks detail and can be unrealistic, it really bursts to the eye, being very appealing to look at and interesting. His art style is very fun and great to see around. Showing art doesn’t always have to be as serious as some people think it is.